We'll stay at the Manna house for the week and see how programs are run there. I'm very much looking forward to learning how to improve our organization as a whole and programs here in Ecuador based on attending MPI Nicaragua's programs and experiencing how Manna runs in a different country. An huge added bonus is that I'll be able to spend quality time with Leah and Hemby. ALSO, Tim Buttril and Kristen Walker will be in Nica for the week. It'll be great to spend time with some of my beloved Hokies. I'll update when I get back November 28th! Until then, I send my love and prayers. Happy Thanksgiving!
p.s. The following pictures are from my FIRST trip to Nicaragua in 2006. This was the trip that made me fall head over heels in love with Latin America and redefined my goals for the future. I can thank that trip to Nicaragua many years ago for leading me to where I am now. So in the spirit of the holiday, this a tribute to my thanks for that initial trip to Nicaragua and where God has so faithfully led me over the years.

you need to do a new update on your blog!!!!!mmd