Thursday, October 1, 2009

A new month, a new outlook...

I let having a lot to do and being busy get the best of me. During the last several weeks I've worked tirelessly from the moment I wake up to when I go to bed. I've worked and worked, and my to-do list just seems to get longer. With this job, you get out of it what you put in, and I want to see our programs succeed. I want to build relationships with community members and organize documents so future years have a good resource for programs. I want to be effective. However, all of those statements are about what I want. Today I ate my breakfast on the roof and settled my soul. I read my bible and realized that I need to not be so self-focused. I need to set boundaries with work and decide what's important. God has led me here for a reason, and I need to let him work on me and through me.

So here is to starting out the month of October with a new mindset. One where I take every day as it comes, and rejoice in the time I have to be here, in Ecuador.

p.s. There is a cow mooing outside of my window. Typical

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